Once upon a time, nestled in the heart of a tiny snowflake, there was a village called Whoville, whose happy inhabitants only live to party. With a carefree temperament, they redouble their activity as Christmas approaches, filling their refrigerators with food and wrapping lots of presents. Because everyone in Whoville loves Christmas...everyone except the Grinch.
The Grinch, whose very name makes the Whos tremble, lives as a recluse in a cave...
The project is composed of about 1489 bricks and 3 minifigures (1 Grinch, 1 Grinch Santa Claus, 1 Cindy Lou Who). The grinch's house has several easter eggs such as the heart scanner, the spring bed, the musical monkey and many others that we find in the film.
The architecture of the cave is on three parts. The 1st part with the telescope to spot intruders.
The 2nd part, the entrance door as well as the secret trap door that leads to the exterior of the cave. The 3rd floor, the grinch's room, the kitchen. These last two parts are connected by a functional elevator.
If you think this "THE GRINCH's House" set should belong on your shelves, please vote for my project and share it with your families and friends.