Welcome aboard the Merchant's Boat! We're gearing up for our voyage, so let's pick up the pace!
Design background
While the overall shape and design of this steamboat are entirely of my own imagination, my approach involved drawing inspiration from various references. From actual boat photography to paintings and concept art, each reference played a big role in shaping the final concept. The essence of the design lies in giving a manually crafted look to the boat, achieved through the incorporation of reclaimed elements from the Merchant's voyage. Experimenting with different colors and unusual shapes complements the desired final aesthetic.
Design insights
On the deck, you will find the main cabin, including a bed, a small kitchen as well as a dining table. The upper floor is accessible through a side wooden staircase at the back of the ship. The design includes two paddle wheels, on both sides of the boat. The upper floor and the roof can be detached to access the inside of the model.
H: 27.9cm
W: 24.4cm
L: 40.0cm