The heavily armoured TX-130s fighter tank spearheads the Republican forces into battle! Featuring two moveable laser cannon turrets and hidden pylon-mounted flick missiles, the TX-130S is specially designed to utilize the unique abilities of Jedi Knights during the battle with the Separatists. Rolls on hidden wheels and includes two clone troopers.
- 主题
- 星球大战
- 人仔数量
- 2
- 盒子尺寸
- 47.8 x 28.7 x 7 cm
- 重量
- 900g
- 拼搭时间
- 3小时
- 官方定价
- $49.99
- 上下市时间
- 2008-07-26~2009-12-31
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- 销售状态
- 已绝版
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