Yoda, Chewbacca and their Wookiee and Jedi friends battle to protect the planet of Kashyyyk against invasion, and only the Wookiee Catamaran can turn the tide! What role will the Clone Swamp Speeder play in the battle? Includes Yoda, Chewbacca, Wookiee, 2 Clone Troopers and Luminara Unduli with light-up lightsaber.
- 主题
- 星球大战
- 人仔数量
- 6
- 盒子尺寸
- 48.2 x 28.6 x 7 cm
- 重量
- 946g
- 拼搭时间
- 2小时
- 官方定价
- $50.0
- 上下市时间
- 2005-04-02~2005-12-31
- 零件清单
- 销售状态
- 已绝版
- 热度
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