** UPDATE **
A lot of comments requested a larger store which was more in scale with the other Modular buildings, but I didn't just want to slap another level on the existing design because it didn't address what I felt was a shortcoming.
Due to the nature of this set, its just as likely that a Mac person will buy it without any other sets. Therefore it needs to look good as a standalone model as well as in the middle of a modular street. All existing, non-corner, sets look really good from one direction, the front, which makes them bad single-display sets. To make this look good from all angles I made the front and back transparent, with the back resembling the NY glass cube, and brick built Apple logos on the exterior side walls.
I included an iconic part of Apple Stores, the glass spiral staircase. I also included the brilliant idea of having a Steve Wozniak fig on his Segway; credit goes to Dreadbaron and Jukilum for that great suggestion. The store is the same size as the original version, which is pictured at the bottom, just taller and rotated 90deg. One more option would be to remove the grey billboard over the front and push more of a glass cube feel.
This isn't modular in the sense of removing floors, but you can remove the roof and/or rear wall to access the interior details. You can also display it from either the front or back.
Play features include:
Line up outside for the new iPhone or iPad, or get your iBook fixed at the Genius bar upstairs. MacBook Pros and iMacs are on the tables; Mac Pros are on the wall; and iPhones, iPads and iPods are on the table upstairs.
At roughly 900 pieces, it packs a lot of details like Steve Jobs, Woz and his Segway, customers, employees, iPhones, iPads, iPods, MacBooks, iMacs, a Mac Pro, a Genius Bar, and fanboys lined up outside for the new iPhone (note that the second in line is annoyed that he's not first). I kept the gender spread of the figs even while using the more interesting classic yellow faces. While the interior is fully tiled I have a couple of exposed studs to keep your figs from falling over if you move or bump the set. I went with single studs so you can pose them at angles.
Additional details will be dancing minifig posters above the Mac Pros, Apple decals on the blue minifigs, and Genius Bar decals.
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak on his Segway
My original idea was for a small set that was relatively inexpensive to add to your town, the top of the sign is the height of the second floor on most of the Modular sets. This photo is the first, smaller version.
Mine is no longer the only Apple Store on Cuusoo. Rather than splitting support for an offical set I propose that if you support mine please support the other one(s) as well. That way regardless of which builder's idea gets picked we at least get an official set. This seems like the fairest solution.