

Assault on Wayne Manor

作者:DarthKy / 发布于:2013-11-18

Here you go folks! Everyone who has been asking for a RED ROBIN check out our new project-Red Robin & Alfred: Gates to Wayne Manor

Rogue's "Gallery"

For the first two months of this project we sought feedback from the fans on which characters you would like to "Assault" Wayne Manor.

We have received over 800 votes and after much discussion we have locked down our proposed cadre of villainy for this set.

Our proposal will include:
Ra's al Ghul
Red Hood (Jason Todd)

We have integrated our character models through the project art but you can also view them on our campaign page. We hope they meet with your satisfaction.

The Selection-
Ra's al Ghul and Red Hood are excellent characters to include in a set depicting Wayne Manor.
They are of but a small hand-full of nefarious characters that know Batman's alter ego as Bruce Wayne.
Their depth of character and complex histories with Batman also speak well to the goal here of showcasing and celebrating the extremely wide and divergent history of the Detective over a variety of media and decades of story telling in a singular set.
Firefly is likely a bit of a ringer for most people. Firefly is in fact an excellent choice. Of all of the villains the Batman might encounter, Firefly is likely the greatest threat to Wayne Manor itself...besides, using Firefly in a set will give new purpose to all those Lego firefighters we Lego fans have.

So, what next...well, we have the start of a story, a story about an Assault on Wayne manor. We are investigating the best way to do this right now, and it is a daunting and challenging task, but that is what Cuusoo is all about, setting your sights high :)

DC Comics Campaign

The single greatest thing that could happen to this project would be a posting on an official Batman page. So if you really want this to happen, please consider contacting
DC comics directly here.

Here is a message you can send them about our project. Hopefully if enough people will send it in, they will post it to ******** and *******!

"Hello DC comics! There is a fan campaign to create a Lego Wayne Manor ( https://ideas.lego.com/projects/50007 ). At a lifetime average of more than 45 support per day, this is the fastest growing project on Lego Cuusoo! It only needs 8000 more votes for Lego to review it.

We realize that getting a set produced is a long shot, but please consider sharing this project with true Batman fans via your ******** and ******* feeds to help us get this project to the review phase and celebrate this homage to the world greatest detective."

Please, we cannot stress this enough, if you like this project tell your friends, family, and other Batfans about it!
If every person who has supported this project so far got just 4 more people to support it, we would already be at 10,000 votes!
Thank you :)

There are plenty of Batman sets on Cuusoo, and plenty of Modulars but this is something new, something different, a themed Modular, Wayne Manor.

A theme is not the only thing that makes this modular unique though. Instead of stacking, this model unfolds.

The folding method allows for multiple levels of display AND play. Folded up the build is an attractive manor, but there are three hinges dividing the model into four quarters. These can be arranged for the previously indicated closed display, all hinges open (as displayed above) or a variety of other configurations.

For those new to Cuusoo, Welcome!

Cuusoo is a site where people can vote for projects to become real Lego products. All we need it 10,000 votes to get reviewed!

We need your help to get there though. If you like this project, please help spread the word on social media.

Here is a brief article on other ways you can help this project become a reality.


Thank You!

The Response has been Phenomenal! We thank each and every one of you. There is no way this list could be complete but we wanted to point out some great help we have received from the project’s fans that have really helped to get the word out:

David Willis, Creator of Shortpacked


iFanboy, the very best podcast on Comic Books out there

All Star Comics: “A vote for Wayne Manor is a vote for AWESOME!”


Please "Like" the Rebrick images to help get them out to Lego fans everywhere:

*Image 1*Details*Image 2*Image 3*Image 4*


"Ra's al Ghul"
Ra is presented here in his most classic style: A gentleman of refinement bedecked is not only a suit but ALSO a cape (refinement squared). Ra comes armed with a large scimitar.

"Bruce Wayne"
"Plain Cloths" super heroes are uncommon in production Lego sets. This is likely in part to how easy it is to make them out of regular figure parts. We believe however that a Bruce Wayne figure is essential to a "Wayne Manor" build as he is the titular character.

"Alfred Pennyworth"
When building a Wayne Manor, there is no element more critical. Alfred is the foundation upon which the Manor stands (that and four 16x16 baseplates)

Above is the finely appointed main room of Wayne Manor. The bookcase opens to grant access to...

...the Batcave!

The "central" quarters of the build are dedicated to the bat-computer and a removable holding cell.

So, who to round out our quartet? Robin is the easy answer, but we wanted to go with something a little different.

Part of the goal of this project is to celebrate our love of the entire continuity of Batman. Since her introduction in the 60's, few characters of the extended Batfamily have been as consistent as Barbra Gordon / Batgirl. Batman fans of every make and media have familiarity with her and or her uniform. Barbra Gordon is even in the Batman Beyond animated series.

As part of Cuusoo we also want to do our part to encourage more super heroines in official Lego products. To date we have only received two super heroines (Wonder Woman and Black Widow) and only in two sets.

"Lucius Fox"
If we are to showcase both Bruce Wayne and Batman in a single set, the inclusion of Lucius Fox is simply put, a no brainer.

Logistically, and in nearly every incarnation of the Batman stories, Lucius is the brains behind the continuing success of Wayne Enterprises, its business manager, freeing up Batman to pursue his ultimate goal.

Lucius is one of the extremely few, non-vigilante, characters in the DC universe who is a true friend to Bruce Wayne.

To top it off, in many of the Batman continuities, Lucius is not only a monetary mastermind but also the project manger if not actual inventor of many of Batman's gear answering the question, "Where does he get those wonderful toys?"

"Red Hood"
Red Hood is presented as inspired by his original character design. As his Hood is very form fitting we propose printing directly on a red head piece, just as with a Bane or Spider-man figure.

This was a very fun character to design. We pulled aspects from the Animated Series as well as more modern takes on the character. Firefly comes with a "jet pack" that has wings that fold up when not in use, a short flame thrower, and a flaming sword.

If nothing else this figure would be included as the suit stored in the Batcave.

The "left" quarter of the batcave is dedicated to Batman's infamous trophies:

The T-rex
The Joker Card
The Giant Penny
Mr. Freeze's gun
Green Kryptonite

the "right" quarter of the batcave showcases Batman's equipment including a chamber for his suit.

Wayne Manor would not be complete without secret passages. There is the above mentioned bookcase-batcave entrance, but there is also escape hatches under the statuary and a collapsing staircase.

More Heroes/Villains!!! (Robin, Robin 2, Robin 3+, Nightwing, Ace the Bat-Hound, Batmite, Talia, Huntress, Hush, etc..)

Any set, regardless of scale, must contain a finite number of figures. We understand that every fan of Batman has their own preferences on who should be in set and we totally respect that.

Please also realize that we have picked the line up we have choose with the same care and respect for the franchise that we applied to every brick of the Wayne Manor.

This roster is however, just a proposal. The core of this project is the Manor. If Lego and Warner Brothers, in their infinite wisdom decide to go with a different allotment of characters then we gladly accept this.

If you really don't care for our line up though, we are not the people you need to be informing, you need to tell Lego directly.

How do you do that? Well, first you need to write in such requests in the feedback during the "Support" process. Second, and even more important, we need to get this project to 10,000 as quickly as possible. The faster we get to 10,000 the more likely this set is to get produced, and the stronger the case will be for more figures. So please, do your part and share this project with as many people as you can.

This means telling your friends, telling your family, tweeting about it to followers and comic-related accounts, posting on forums, ********, google+, pinning it to pintrest, voting for it on reddit, etc...Every vote counts.


Check out the References included to Batman / Bruce Wayne in the Mansion here.

• General References

-2 x 2 tile depicting cover to Detective Comics #27
-Grandfather Clock, Often an entrance to the Batcave. The clock is set to 10:48
-Portrait of Thomas and Martha Wayne

• Trophies

-Animation T-Rex
-Giant Playing Card
-Giant Penny
-Mr.Freezes Freeze Ray

• Reference to the Various Robins

-2 x 4 tile with portrait of the Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian (and NOT Jason Todd)

• Court of Owls

-Book titled "Gotham Nursery Rhymes"
-2x4 tile with blueprint showing a building by the "Alan Wayne Trust"

• Batman the Animated Series AND Batman Beyond AND Adam West

-Foil from Mask of Zorro
-Gray Ghost Action figure and Gray Fedora of the Gray Ghost

• Batman Dark Knight Returns and Ace the Bathound

-2 x 4 tile with image of Bruce on a Horse with a dog

• Lego Batman: The Movie

-Man of the Year Award

• Batman 60's TV show

-Bust of Shakespeare
-Bookcase conceals a sliding pole to the Batcave

• Tim Burton's Batman Movies

-Armor busts

• Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Movie


Cuusoo only allows us to demonstrate 5 images at a time. More images can be found at our flickr page here.
Check out our campaign-page



*Isn't this a bit big?

There have been been larger Lego sets to be sure but yes, it is very large. The real question is, can the market meet the asking price? Well, that is very hard for us to predict ahead of time.

We are shooting for the moon and seeing what falls out. Maybe we get the whole thing, maybe we get a smaller model, maybe we all just get to have fun thinking how cool it would be to have this sucker.

*Can We get an oversized figure like the Lego Hulk?

This type of figure is called a "big-fig" In Lego circles. Such a figure requires the creation of new Lego parts and it therefore not something we can officially request though a Cuusoo project.

*Can you add/subtract "this" to the Wayne Manor?

We love the interest and feedback on what elements the project should contain. Keep them coming!

For the most part though, Lego is fundamentally AWESOME. One of the ways it is awesome is in its infinite customability. Think about this set as a template, a base structure for your ideal Wayne Manor. Once this set is in your hands, you can reconfigure it any way you choose.

*How many Parts are In this build?

To clarify, The depicted build is simply a proposal. Lego will produce the final model based on this proposal, therefore the exact part count of this build is not significant to the project. However, the part count for Lego Modulars range from 2000 to 2800 pieces.

*Can I please have the instructions / LDD file?

We truly appreciate the interest in building the Wayne Manor. It is the highest compliment a designer can receive.

At this time however, we are reserving any decisions about releasing the instructions until the review is complete.

* Where is the Batmobile?

We wanted this Batcave to fit in the footprint of the Lego Modular and this pretty much prevented us from including a Batmobile or an awesome turntable or break away wall for it drive through. Additionally, Lego has many Batman vehilces already produced and we saw no reason to retread on this ground.

As you can see though, the Batcave continues...The Left and Right quarters have open passages that you can build off of. The Batmobile could simply be in the "foreground" of this build.

Part of the awesomeness of Lego is that if you want your Wayne Manor to have the Batmobile, simply build your own (or buy one of Lego's existing sets) and build it out.

* How did you make the Portrait of the Wayne's

There was some photoshopping involved but the source images mostly came from a app called Mini Mi I highly recommend it for quick figure design.


This project is brought to you by DarthKy and Glenbricker

DarthKy specializes in a variety of Brick Built Figures based on popular characters.

STAR WARS -Count Dooku, Ahsoka Tano, Asajj Ventress

STAR WARS -Yoda, Anakin, Obi-wan

STAR WARS -Clone Troopers

Batman, Catwoman, Joker

SUPERMAN - Bizarro, Metallo, Superman

SPIDERMAN - Complete character collection.

STAR WARS -General Grievous, Droideka (Destroyer Droid) and Battle Droid

STAR WARS - R2D2, C3PO and Leia with Salacious Crumb

Pirates of the Caribbean- Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa and Davy Jones

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Marvel - The Avengers

Glenbricker also has a variety of projects on Cuusoo including:

Legend of Korra: Korra & Allies vs. Amon and the Mecha Tank

Magic School Bus

The Discworld, Now including Rincewind! Oook!

The Librarian, An Orangutan

Ur-Quan Masters (Star Control)

Perry the Inaction Figure

Corellian Defender with Satele Shan, Qyzen Fess, & C2-N2

The Guild

Lady Sabre's Airship Pegasus

Ogre Mark V and Raptor G.E.V.

Dr. Horrible

Mini Mech Gargoyle

There are plenty of other great projects to be found on Cuusoo though. Our favorites include:

Batman: The Dark Knight Action Figure by mmccooey

Avengers: Iron Man Mark VII Armor by mmccooey

Spider-Man: Ultra Pose-able Action Figure by mmccooey

Deadpool Marvel Legends Scale by mmccooey

Spider-Man: The Symbiote Costume by mmccooey

Medieval Market Street by Alexp

Modular Costume Store for Collectible Minifigures by td> Brentwaller

The Drake's Head Inn by Alexp

Goblin Fortress Ruins by Alexp


Flooded Temple Ruins by Hinckley

The Wizard's House by Alexp

Log Cabin: Two Seasons by Ssorg

Medieval Travelling Theatre by Bobsy

Medusa's Temple by Strider

Majestic Airship! by Ssorg

Food Truck by Spacysmoke


Mega Man by Alatariel





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Bricky_Brick / 2020-09-03


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