Bottom Left: TARDIS with ALTERNATE Tiles that can be swapped out for a "Bad Wolf" Tardis.
Bottom Right: TARDIS Console based on late Matt Smith run and likely early Peter Capaldi)
We have displayed above several mock ups of possible Doctor Who minifigs. Which figures end up in the set is ultimately going to be up to Lego and the BBC but we want your feedback.
Please go to the Poll (AFTER VOTING HERE! ;)) and give feedback on which Doctors, Companions, and Baddies you would like to see in this set.
The current character in the poll are:
Rose Tyler / Jack Harkness / Doctor Donna Noble
Amy Pond / River Song / Clara Oswald
4th Doctor - Tom Baker / 9th Doctor - Christopher Eccleston
10th Doctor - David Tennant / 11th Doctor - Matt Smith
12th Doctor - Peter Capaldi
Cyberman / Weeping Angel
The results of this poll will be used by Lego and the BBC to help pick which Characters get included in the final product.
Only five figures will be proposed but if enough people vote in fast enough there could be a business case for as much as seven. So get going!
Thank you for participating in this campaign!
Each Doctor and Companion throughout the history of Who has had an affectation, a token, a item, that is significant. Some are large, some are small, some are critical and others are insignificant.
The characters selected for the set should have some representation of this.
The following list provides our suggestions for which items should be included, IF that figure is in the set.
(Please forgive the discontinuity of the "table." Cuusoo only allows for the barest of HTML)
4th Doctor : Jelly Babies
9th Doctor : Vial of Anti-Plastic
10th Doctor : Glasses (Represented by alternate face), psychic paper, and a Fighting Hand ;)
11th Doctor : Fez
12th Doctor : ...Driver's manual for the TARDIS? ;)
Rose Tyler : alternate "BAD WOLF" Tiles for the TARDIS (pictured above)
Jack Harkness : revolver
Doctor Donna Noble : luggage
Amy Pond : drawing of the doctor
River Song : notebook on the doctor (Spoilers!)
Clara Oswald : the Leaf
As any true fan of Doctor Who knows, he has two hearts, and the show itself is about a being that is willing to sacrifice himself for the good of everyone. We therefore feel that we must give back as part of this project.
If this project gets produced, Kaminoan and I will receive a small percentage of the profits of the product sales. Kaminoan and I hereby pledge 50% of any funds we receive from the production of this project to the American Heart Association.
Left: First Matt Smith TARDIS Console
Upper Right: Examples of brick built Daleks.
Lower Right: K-9
We have pictured above two different examples of TARDIS consoles but only one console will be in the set. The two provided examples are to give you a good idea of what a Lego design for these might look like.
I assume the BBC Licensing will lean heavily to the most recent design.
While you are on Cuusoo, and ideally just created an account, why not also vote for this other project! It is wheel chair and accessibility ramp for minifigs.
General Stuff:
Licensing Conflict with Daleks:
It occurs that the complex licensing issues with the Daleks may allow for Lego to produce a Doctor Who set but may not allow for the use of Daleks.
Ideally this project will include Daleks but I think we can all agree that we would rather have Lego Doctor Who without Daleks than No Doctor Who at all.
Again, please note, this is NOT repeat NOT a Nestene plot to take over the world. That is just silly. Now, go buy some more minifigs...